For patients diagnosed with a blood cancer, such as Leukaemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma, there is now more hope than ever before.

In this new era of personalised medicine, patients are living longer and better lives, and modern targeted therapies are increasing their chances of survival.

A greater hope for a cure.

For many patients, accessing these medicines is their only hope for a cure and a better quality of life.

Clinical Trials

By participating in our clinical trials, hundreds of patients at Concord Hospital have contributed to medical advances and benefited greatly from new and innovative treatments, long before they are publicly funded.

The Haematology Clinical Research Unit at Concord Cancer Centre, Concord Hospital is financially independent and not for profit.

With little public funding, we rely heavily on grants, donations and local fundraising to focus on the research priorities of our patients.

That’s why community fundraising to support our independent clinical trials is so important.

There are more than 40 clinical trials currently underway for Haematology patients at the Clinical Research Unit at Concord Hospital.

This means we’re the largest clinical research unit for blood cancers in NSW, with largest portfolio of haematology clinical trials.

These include investigator-initiated trials and an increasing number of Phase Ib and Phase II Clinical Trials.

It is our reputation for quality and independence that has made us international research leaders and ensures we truly deliver world-class care, locally.

Our Patients


To help raise awareness about our important work and the positive impact it has had on their lives, patients participating in clinical trials and their families have generously agreed to tell their stories for videos screened at our A Bloody Great Night Out! events.

Watch these now to find out how your support has helped save lives.

2022 Our Patients - Stories

2019 Our Patients - Stories

2017 Our Patients - Stories

2015 Our Patients - Stories

2013 Our Patients - Stories