2022 Raffle ticket winners
2nd Prize Bowerhaus Pearls - Neville Georgiades Ticket no.6999
3rd Prize Restaurant Safari - Andrew Warden Ticket No.361
4th Prize Austinmer Seaside Stay - Aldo DiMento Ticket No.5442
5th Prize Lenovo Tablet Laptop - Janice Katelaris Ticket No.1638
6th Prize Family Portrait - Aldo DiMento Ticket No.7181
A HUGE thank you to everyone who attended and bought raffle tickets! With your support we raised over $220,000.
To view all our previous events visit our galley
Thank You to everyone for your support. We raised over $220,000
Thank you to the amazing venue - Le Montage. Your support and professionalism make our event even more special.
All monies raised will go towards the life-saving work at the world-leading Haematology Clinical Research Unit at Concord Cancer Centre, Concord Hospital.

Your Support and Help
Your support will help patients with life-threatening blood cancers, such as Leukaemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma, participate in clinical trials and access millions of dollars worth of new and innovative medicines, long before they are publicly funded.

We reached Our Fundraising Target
With everyone's amazing support we reached our fundraising target and even more...
smashing the $1,000,000 milestone raised by
the Foundation for a Bloody Great Cause!
– this will fund another two clinical research nurses for twelve months. These extra nurses mean more blood cancer patients have a chance to accesstreatments which increase survival and provide a better quality of life.
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"For some patients, participating in these
clinical trials is their only hope for a cure."
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and donate
Click on the button below to make a donation.
Every dollar raised helps us provide more vital support.
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